Which battery should I choose for my electric bicycle?

The electric bicycle is currently immensely popular. Because there are many people with such a bicycle, the demand for batteries for electric bicycles has also increased considerably. If you are looking for a new battery yourself, you probably ask yourself which battery you should choose. After all, all these options make it not exactly easy. In this article we will show you a little more about the choices for buying an electric bicycle. As long as you know how to pay attention to this, you will quickly arrive at the battery that suits what you are looking for.



The different batteries for your bike

To gain insight into the question of what the best batteries are to choose for your electric bicycle, it is of course necessary to look at all of them. Below we have made a selection with the most popular types of batteries that you can choose at the moment. of course we will also discuss the advantages that these batteries bring with them.

  • Lead-acid batteries – First of all, it is possible to opt for lead-acid batteries. Of all batteries, these are the cheapest options you can choose. It is true that these batteries deliver less power. In addition, they are equipped with less capacity than the other batteries that can be found for your bike. This does not mean that these batteries are useless. These batteries are great to use as reserve energy for your bicycle. They can therefore be used really excellently. It is true that these batteries are less good than the other options on this list due to the weight and the reduced power. These batteries are the heaviest batteries you can find. This does not always come in handy when cycling.
  • Nickel-cadmium batteries – This type of batteries is a lot better to choose for your electric bicycle. These batteries are particularly known for the fact that they can last for a long time if you know how to maintain them. In addition, they have significantly more battery capacity than lead-acid batteries. This means you don't have to charge it as often to be able to cycle. With the increased power you always have enough power when cycling. A disadvantage is that these batteries run out very quickly. We also call this a high degree of self-discharge, something that is not really good of course. They can drop by more than half after a full charge if you don't use them for a day. In addition, the substance cadmium in the batteries is very bad for the environment. Although you can use these batteries, there are better options to choose from.
  • Nickel-metal hydride batteries – Nickel-metal hydride batteries are again good options to choose if you are looking for a battery for your electric bicycle. This really means that these batteries are better than both options above. Now it is true that the nickel-metal hydride batteries are not super durable compared to the really good battery types. These batteries can sometimes make it difficult to charge. Also, the batteries are not always stable. Nickel-metal hydride batteries also produce heat while cycling. This causes a high self-discharge. Although the discharge rate is not as high as that of nickel-cadmium batteries, you will notice that they drain quickly if you do not use them for a while.
  • Lithium-ion Batteries – The best batteries you can choose for your electric bicycle are the special Lithium-ion batteries. This is also the type of battery that can be found on most bicycles today. More than 90% of bicycles are equipped with this battery, making it one of the most obvious options to go for. Lithium-ion batteries provide more power for their weight than the other types of batteries. In addition, these batteries really last much longer than some other batteries. It happens very occasionally that these batteries catch fire, but you don't really have to worry about this. This is so rare that the risk is very small. In addition, bicycle manufacturers have taken various measures to significantly reduce the risk. This makes the Lithium-ion batteries certainly not a wrong option to choose.


At the end of the ride, which battery you need for your bike depends on what you find most comfortable. we really recommend that you choose the Lithium-ion batteries, but it is also possible to choose the other types of batteries that we have mentioned in this article. Just be aware of the fact that the other batteries do not bring the same benefits as the Lithium-ion batteries. In the long run, this can actually ensure that you lose more money. See the lithium-ion batteries as an investment for your bicycle.


Looking for the right battery for your bike?

If you are looking for a battery for your electric bicycle, you don't have to look any further. Our site makes it possible to purchase all types of batteries quickly and easily. Be sure to take a look at the range to see which types of batteries are currently available. Want to learn more about choosing the right batteries for your devices? Be sure to take a look at the other articles here on the site, because there is much more to discover!