Dispute Mediation

It can always happen that something does not go quite as planned. We recommend that you first make complaints known to us by emailing [email protected] . If this does not lead to a solution, it is possible to register your dispute for mediation via Stichting WebwinkelKeur via https://www.webwinkelkeur.nl/kennisbank/consumenten/geschil . From 15 February 2016, it is also possible for consumers in the EU to register complaints via the ODR platform of the European Commission. This ODR platform can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/odr . If your complaint is not yet being handled elsewhere, you are free to file your complaint via the European Union platform.

Dispute Mediation Via Webwinkelkeur:

Can't figure it out together? Then you can enable WebwinkelKeur. Follow these steps for this:

  • Find the webshop in our member list .
  • Click on the relevant webshop and then scroll down.
  • Then click on “Dispute Mediation” and then on “Submit Dispute”.
  • Then fill in the form to make your complaint known.

We will then use independent mediation to find a suitable solution

Dispute mediation Via ODR Netherlands:

You first contact the entrepreneur to see if you can come to a solution together. If the entrepreneur does not respond to your complaint about the online purchase, you can submit a complaint via the ODR platform. This can be done in your own language. The platform then proposes a dispute resolution body. Together with the entrepreneur, you choose the dispute resolution body that will handle your complaint within 30 days. The chosen body will deal with the complaints procedure within 90 days. More information about this procedure can be found on the ODR platform .